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February 12, 2020
Asbestos Mountains
In 1993, I was living in North Dallas, and bouncing all over the country like a ping pong ball in a dryer. And one of my projects was Westmoreland Coal, in Norristown, PA. This was very near Valley Forge, where the early Americans starved through the winter of 1776, eating bark off of the trees to stay alive. There was a nuclear reactor and cooling tower just up the Schuylkill River from us. This was about 60 miles from 3 Mile Island nuclear reactor, but it was very prominent and seemed, somehow, out of place.
Then, one day, during work, we drove to another location, during work hours, for whatever reason. And, I recall that one of the guys in the car pointed to this hill and he said "Do you see that hill/mountain right there? That's asbestos. We used to play on those hills and make snowballs of asbestos and throw them at each other."
And, I almost choked because it was this massive hill and he said the entire hill was made of asbestos. Apparently, he was correct, as we were in Ambler, Pennsylvania.
Posted by Rob Kiser on February 12, 2020 at 8:52 PM