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October 14, 2021
Organizing the Keys
At some point, I recently realized that I need to organize my keys better. Like, I carry around a key chain in my pocket with scads of keys, but they're not labeled or anything. And, if I should get run over by a train, or something, it wouldn't be easy for anyone to come along behind me and make sense of all of my keys.
I started out by going into Big R in Aspen Park and getting a copy made of the Jeep key. It cost me a whopping $2.30. Then, I bought a key rack at Walmart in Evergreen, along with some labels for the keys. I got a copy of my front door key made at Big R, but some keys they can't copy (i.e. BMW key, etc).
Today I was rooting around for more keys, and I stumbled across my key drawer, which I'd pretty much forgotten about because I haven't opened that drawer in like forever. So I found my old spare BMW key, KTM keys, etc. I went and bought another key rack, mounted it above the first one, and continued on my key organizing spree.
There are a LOT of keys to keep up with, to wit:
Keys to the following vehicles:
2017 Honda Africa Twin
2010 KTM Adventure 990
2007 Honda XR650L
2004 Honda XR650L
2004 BMW X3
2002 Honda Rancher 350 (Green)
2001 Honda Rancher 350 (Red)
1997 Chevy Tahoe
Jeep Wrangler TJ
House keys
Posted by Rob Kiser on October 14, 2021 at 9:20 PM