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October 23, 2022
Today, I cleaned out all of my gutters, as we're supposed to have some snow coming, and I can't remember the last time I cleaned them out. In the process, the cats managed to get out on the roof, and they were pretty pleased about that because I don't think they've ever been out there before. Gave them a new perspective.
I worked up on the roof for several hours, using the hose to clean out all of the debris. I definitely need to get a new roof, but that's not something I'm going to tackle today.
It snowed on me 3 times today while I was working on the gutters. (It didn't stick at all, and it wasn't very cold, but it did snow lightly, and very briefly at various times through the day.)
I also recently replaced my old mailbox with a new one I found in the garage. So I got that installed, and when I checked my mail today (Sunday), I found my new driver's license in the mail. So that was a nice find.
Posted by Rob Kiser on October 23, 2022 at 9:58 PM