New Millenium Dating Service

A dating service for people like you!

I am a ________ looking for a ________.

Man looking for a Victim.
Woman looking for a bank account.
Narcissist looking for a gerbil.
Basket case looking for a codependent.
Sheep looking for a ram.

Question 1: Things I would like to put inside of you on the first date. Check all that apply.

Wrist watch.
Left hand.

Question 2: What are your best qualities?

I don't hate my parents as much as I used to.
I've never lost a heated arugment.
Court rulings have frequently turned out in my favor.
Prostitutes and strippers love me.
I wear a shirt with my name on it.

Question 3: What are you looking for in a partner?

A pulse.
Someone that isn't afraid to fight back.
Someone that wears size 9 Mules.
A person that has tatoos in places the sun never shines.
Someone who understands that society is to blame for my problems.

Question 4: What ensures a healthy relationship?

Mutual distrust.
Recessive genetic traits.
Criminal background checks.
Red Bull and road trips.

Question 5: Reasons for failure of previous relationship:

Ex was unable to breathe underwater.
Ex was hung up on the pedophilia charges.
Lenthy extradition hearings.
Sponaneous combustion.
Ricin accident.

Question 6: What do you like to wear around the house?

A tinfoil hat.
The Wall Street Journal.
A Hello Kitty neglige I knicked from the neighbor's clothesline by the light of a full moon.
Velure toesocks.
1/2 inch of Vaseline.

Question 7: What things do you enjoy doing?

Shaving my tongue.
Stalking strangers.
Drinking myself into a torpid stupor.
Snorting coke off the formica bathroom counter in that Motel 6 outside of Pismo Beach.
Snapping my date's bra strap.

Question 8: What do your friends call you?

Three Time Loser.
Uncle Bill.

Question 9: What people would you most like to meet?

My father.
Joseph Mengele.
Ted Kennedy.
Barry Manilow.
Ron Popeil.

Question 10: What things can you not live without?

Luge lessons.
Dry erase markers.
Bolt cutters.
Pocket protector.

Question 11: What do you hate to have to do in a hurry?

Load a gun.
Spray paint my truck.
Burn my warts.
Oil my hair.
Dig a grave.

Question 12: What's the first thing people notice about you?

The smell.
I have low-grade narcolepsy.
I wear my underwear outside my pants.
My numerous facial piercings.
My dialysis machine.

Blogquiz is a free perl script by Jemima Pereira.